Opening a Store showcasing Paris Luxury goods in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. 22 February 2015

Opening a Store showcasing Paris Luxury goods in Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

HAYARI Paris opens to international customers.


Following the opening of a new Store where sublime fragrances made up of ingredients selected from Grasse are being showcased, HAYARI Paris presents its international clientele with this new Concept Store.

The flagship inaugurated in November 2014 defends real architectural values honed through centuries of craftsmanship and French traditions, with gilded woodwork, Louis XV mouldings, or a Louis XVI-inspired lantern chandelier.


HAYARI Paris has chosen to cast anchor in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the most historic district of Paris, by way of reflection of its expertise in French craftsmanship.


Large bronze coloured mirrors, decorated with gilded mouldings and classic revisited luxury adorn the main room where HAYARI Paris will welcome you in harmony with the surrounding luxury.

The attention paid to the choice of furniture will permeate the quality of service given to each customer;


Providing the best possible service is a major component of HAYARI Paris’ core values.

We commit to guide you through the different fragrance lines, jewellery collections and leather accessories, with your interest in mind. As it is the fashion in Haute Couture, each item proposed was made with the particular attention given to unique pieces.

Already in 1981, Annick Goutal, former fashion model and pianist, offered original and refined creations as the true precursor of niche brands that she proved to be.

This phenomenon later developed with Serge Lutens, creator at the Palais Royal’s Grand Salon.


Forerunner of a new lifestyle, HAYARI Paris will help you in your quest for a unique perfume that few own by offering less traditional brands.

As a symbol of that revolution HAYARI Paris chose a historic house located in the non less historic building where Danton, famous figure of the 18th century, resided.

The new store is open Tuesday to Sunday from 12.30 PM to 8.00 PM.

 1 Cours du Commerce Saint-André, 75006 Paris

Entrance through 130 Boulevard Saint Germain.

Tel +33 1 46 33 12 02


@ [email protected]